Three Months Old
Here are a few things I can share about my wonderful little sister:
She has the brightest smile you've ever seen and shares it often.
She is very chatty. She loves to talk back and forth with anyone who will join her.
She has a sweet little giggle.
She still likes chewing on her hands.
She also likes chewing on her little pink doll, her blue dog, and the tag blanket Aunt Jenner made.
She can roll from her tummy to her back.
She loves to be outside and look up at the trees.
She likes mama's milk...a whole bunch.
She's a good sleeper.
She likes to snuggle.
She grins from ear to ear when she sees my face and spends most of her time trying to keep track of the sight or sound of me.
Happy Three Months, Little Liza Jane!
how did we manage without you, little liza jane?
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