ezra and liza's blog

We're Ezra and Liza Jane. This our blog. It's where you can see what we've been up to lately. I'm Ezra. I love Mom, Dad, Sissy, playing outside, reading stories, soccer, building things, legoes and tigers. I'm Liza Jane. This is my blog, too. I love Mom, Dad, Ya Ya (Ezra), school, stories, being silly, dancing to music, taking care of my babies and showing off my big vocabulary.

Monday, May 28, 2007

My Birthday Party

Today I celebrated turning two by having a few families over for a BBQ at my house. It was a lot of fun. We played in the sandbox, played with bubbles and playdough, drew with sidewalk chalk and ate yummy food.

Here are some shots of me and my friends and family...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Two Years Old

I enjoyed my second birthday yesterday.

Mommy and I played in the afternoon. Then, after Daddy got home from work, we got fish and chips and ate it at the beach. Then we played with rocks and shells and sticks. Finally, we went home to have a few presents and a special carrot cake mommy made me.

Unfortunately, we forgot the camera so all we have is a shot of Mommy helping me blow out my two candles.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Our Trip to Orcas

We had the opportunity to take an extended weekend on Orcas Island while my Uncle Steve, Aunt Aimee and Cousin Maya were in town from England for a wedding. We were also fortunate to have Uncle Michael, Aunt Jennifer and Cousins Owen and Finn join is as well.

Here are some shots from the weekend...

Some of the Gang
Uncle Michael and his Tribe....
On the Beach with DaddyNaked RunningAunts and CousinsDominoes with Cousin OwenThe Turtle in his Shell

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day!

To celebrate Mother's Day we went and bought a special flowering cherry blossom tree to plant in our yard in honor of me. Also because we still have a frozen placenta in our freezer. Mom says that's where I lived for nine months... in the placenta, not the freezer. We're going to plant it in the ground with the tree to help nurture it.

Then my Mom and Dad and I went for a little spin on our bikes. It was great. I loved speeding up and down the trail by our house and feeling the wind in my face.

I hope the other mothers in my life had a great day, too. Happy Mother's Day to Grandma Sachs, Grandma Price, Aunt Aimee and Aunt Jenner.

Soccer Star

The Greeks used to compete in the nude during the Olympics. I thought I'd try it out while working on my ball control.

It's not bad.

Friday, May 11, 2007


It has been quite a while since I last posted.


We've all been so busy. I have been having a good time, though. One of my favorite new pastimes is playing basketball in my own yard.

Check me out!