ezra and liza's blog

We're Ezra and Liza Jane. This our blog. It's where you can see what we've been up to lately. I'm Ezra. I love Mom, Dad, Sissy, playing outside, reading stories, soccer, building things, legoes and tigers. I'm Liza Jane. This is my blog, too. I love Mom, Dad, Ya Ya (Ezra), school, stories, being silly, dancing to music, taking care of my babies and showing off my big vocabulary.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday Market

Here are a few shots from our sunny day at the Saturday market. We played around and had a few snacks before heading off to synagogue to celebrate the Jewish New year.

L'Shanah Tova and Happy 5770!

Monday, September 07, 2009

End of Season Camping

Here are a few shots from our last camping trip of the season to Washington Park in Anacortes. It was car camping extraordinaire. We enjoyed songs by the campfire, smores, walks in the woods, romps on the beach and some good climbing action at the nearby playground. A nice way to wrap up the summer with friends.