ezra and liza's blog

We're Ezra and Liza Jane. This our blog. It's where you can see what we've been up to lately. I'm Ezra. I love Mom, Dad, Sissy, playing outside, reading stories, soccer, building things, legoes and tigers. I'm Liza Jane. This is my blog, too. I love Mom, Dad, Ya Ya (Ezra), school, stories, being silly, dancing to music, taking care of my babies and showing off my big vocabulary.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ezra!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Reading Pals

Nothing like a good book and a good friend...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

No Ponies

Sissy's hair (well, mullet, actually) is pretty long now.
And it hangs in her face.
But, she's pretty strong-willed about it and insistant that she not have scissors anywhere near it, nor will she wear clips or bands. It especially drives her teachers at school wild. They often primp and fuss over the little girls, but Liza Jane will have nothing to do with it.
"No Ponies!!!" she says.
The other day, though, Miss Kayce was able to sneak these in during snack.
And Liza Jane was gratious enough to wear them home, excited to show Daddy, and then fed up with it all by the time Mommy got our the camera...