ezra and liza's blog

We're Ezra and Liza Jane. This our blog. It's where you can see what we've been up to lately. I'm Ezra. I love Mom, Dad, Sissy, playing outside, reading stories, soccer, building things, legoes and tigers. I'm Liza Jane. This is my blog, too. I love Mom, Dad, Ya Ya (Ezra), school, stories, being silly, dancing to music, taking care of my babies and showing off my big vocabulary.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two Wheels!

Been meaning to post these for a few weeks, but we've been really busy...riding bikes!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Purim!

We had a good time this morning at the Purim Schpiel in Sunday School and then this afternoon at the Purim Carnival. We played a bunch of games, won some prizes, made some masks, did some face painting and of course ate and brought home a ton of Hamentaschen. Yum!