We're Back
We are back from our big trip. It was amazing. We're a bit tired, though, so it may be a while before I brave our slow dial-up internet and download our pictures. Until then, you can check out quite a few at Cousin Maya's blog.
We're Ezra and Liza Jane. This our blog. It's where you can see what we've been up to lately. I'm Ezra. I love Mom, Dad, Sissy, playing outside, reading stories, soccer, building things, legoes and tigers. I'm Liza Jane. This is my blog, too. I love Mom, Dad, Ya Ya (Ezra), school, stories, being silly, dancing to music, taking care of my babies and showing off my big vocabulary.
We are back from our big trip. It was amazing. We're a bit tired, though, so it may be a while before I brave our slow dial-up internet and download our pictures. Until then, you can check out quite a few at Cousin Maya's blog.
We're currently in Bristol, England staying with Cousin Maya, Uncle Steve, and Aunt Aimee. Our camera cord doesn't hook to their computer, so we can't download any pictures until we get home, but you can update yourselves on our progress at www.pricefamilyadventure.blogspot.com